
_why [as] 20/20 hindsight 3d sound a definition. a slightly freaked out state of affairs. a statement on minimalism. aardvark about access adjectives adult swim adventure time american secularity apologies appl archive atheism autism batmilk bees beta feedback biology bittorrent bonnibel bubblegum bright ideas not yet realized broken bromance brussels sprouts bubbline bugs bugz cantor's proof cat causation change to a new structure chapter and act delineations christian nation cli code beauty code ecosystems coding colophon comfort correct recipes covid crazy realization that made me laugh. crosspost css culture death death cult design diagnosis emoji emoticons emotional hygiene entering exiting fish sticks flickr foo forgetfully forgotten foundership freebie geekdom git tales gone but not forgotten good problems to have grammar grief he's not in a better place, he's gone hilariously bad marketing how to howto humaning i am not joking brussels sprouts actually taste good just stop abusing them i guess that'd be just spective i love this service i'm with her identity idle ruminations images that make me feel some kind of way in the champeenship? in the minds of users incoherence infodump internet culture internet exploder interpersonal tools invention isaac javascript language literary tricks looking back looking forward lunchtime marceline marketing marshall rosenberg math meme mighty mighty mitochondria minds module motion moving my dad my love language is compatible hardware my religion narrative arc nearmode farmode negotiation nerd nerd stuff neurodivergence never trump no bacon no cream no seriously nodejs nonviolent communication npm nvc off topic office chats omgsrslywtf on the destruction of humor optimistic nihilism oss palindrome parody past patriarchy phase shift philosophy plant please stop drowning your sprouts poem politics potty humor potus2016 privilege psychology psychology of programming punditry pushed into the wild put your nose down quicksilver racism rant rationality react recruiter relationships reproducible builds request retrospective richtaur right in the feels rip running away saga schill science scoble seldo self sense8 showdown sistertrain snipsblog snow leopard special interest startup life steve jobs subtle coding sun sustainability systems tap tar testing the business the calm of exertion. the human condition the practice three groups of things which one must never trust. time adventure time travel tj tools of the trade torrents trips turn away and slam the door ui vibes wagon fulla pamcakes? ways in which we don't know what we want webdevery whats in a name writing wtf!? ykiok