the you in me (but iambic pentameter)

Run my software on your brain and I
Will live rent-free inside your mind where we
can run together through your every dream

Keep that faithful replica, my voice
(along with all the others making noise)
telling you all day how great you are

Let my homunculous run wild in
the light of your affection and attention,
Creating needs for me to satisfy

Let's not control, or own, or colonize.
That work is never-ending and unpleasant,
And no one thus attained is worth the cost.

No grand gestures (anyone can do),
Give me little signs that take no effort,
and which are impossible to fake

Subtle twitch of eyes, your cheeks alight.
When we touch, the whispered sharp inhale
the smile you can't hide, comes out for me

When he looks out your eyes and into mine
and sees the copy of you in my mind
Let the me inside you fall in love
with the you that lives inside of me
