
Don’t believe everything you hear. You will by default. It takes a lot of effort to un-believe it once you hear it.

Don’t believe everything you think. You already do. That’s why you think it. It takes a lot of effort to un-believe it once you think it. Many thoughts are demonstrably false, yet we have them anyway.

Don’t believe you know everything you know. You already do. That’s why you think you know it. You have to not just un-believe it, but un-know it.

Beliefs are sneaky. Beliefs don’t look like beliefs; they just look like the world. When you’re in the kitchen, you don’t say “I believe I am in the kitchen”. You say, “I am in the kitchen.” Un-believing is like un-seeing.

Don’t believe everything you say. This is the hardest of all. Our past selves hold our integrity hostage. Do not negotiate with terrorists. Shoot the hostage.

Every belief must pay rent, constantly, or be evicted.